Brian Harris,
The Last Baby Boomer

01 End Of World War II
President Truman announced the end of World War II (The fight ended in 1945 but the remaining hostilities were considered when the war crime trials ended)

02Hydrogen Bomb Development
President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb in response to the detonation of the Soviet Union’s first atomic bomb in 1949.

03Abolishment of Racial Segregation
Racial Segregation was abolished and was forbidden by the U.S. Interstate Commerce on buses and trains. Space Exploration

04 Space Exploration
America launched their Explorer 1 satellite successfully and this was later followed by the launch of the Explorer 3 satellite by the U.S. Army.

05 First-ever U.S. Astronauts
A photographic satellite from the Soviet Union called Luna 3 was successful in taking pictures of the far side of the moon. In the same year, NASA chose 7 military pilots to become the first-ever U.S. Astronauts. And with that, the United Nations Committee on the peaceful use of Outer-space was formed.

06Kennedy’s appointment
This year when John F. Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States. Four students stage the first civil rights sit-in at a Woolworth counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. Civil Rights Act

07 Civil Rights Act
Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes in the U.S. Senate 73-27. And plans are announced to build the New York City World Trade Center.